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Over the coming months, we'll bring
She closer to you,
at art exhibitions, coffee mornings, ladies nights, pyjama parties, and more.
Watch this space, She is now yours. Get your copy here

Among the many things I don’t understand, most are feminine. Over the decades, women have been told and sold the same stuff. The book She and the events to celebrate She are a pure extension of the babble we’re fed and that we feed off. It is not an attempt to connect any dots. Its subjects are women I know. It’s not a case of pure coincidence but pure intention. No research has gone into this piece of writing unless you consider banter over drinks, on long-distance phone calls or by water coolers, so. I don’t wish to expose the individuals who confided in me or embarrass myself so I’d like to state that it is a work of fiction, heavily inspired by real lives. Even when I talk about myself, remember, I could just be making up some bits. I am a storyteller, after all. Reading it won’t make you wiser as writing it has had no such effect on me. No bra-burning issues will be discussed in the following pages as this is not the place for it and we need to respect that. If you get offended easily or dislike unwanted advice, now is the time you put down the book. The rest of you, join me. I hope to make you suffer with me. I’m not a funny person so if you find parts of the script laugh-worthy, it is your sense of humour at work, not mine. I expect to make no difference in your lives. If you do happen to learn or unlearn something, don’t hold me responsible for it. Feel free to observe, absorb, judge and compare. Or not.
What these events are not about? No male-bashing. No bra-burning issues. Nothing about empowerment. I believe our feminists' friends are doing a good job at whatever they are doing, but these events will neither about feminism.
Come celebrate She, a book by Purva Grover. Let's celebrate the freedom of being ourselves. Let's be unapologetic about chasing our dreams, making mistakes, and owning our identity and space as a female.
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Book of the month
July 2024
We're reading SHE and will be gathering together to share our thoughts on this title. For members only.
Book of the month
May 25
We're reading SHE and will be gathering together to share our thoughts on this title. We'll be joined by Purva Grover, author, She!