You'd think the two have no connection, but they do, as I am learning.
My hair is turning grey, and my friends are leaving me.
You'd think the two have no connection, but they do, as I am learning.
I am going to call this ‘connection’ the maturity to accept,
You can give it a different name.
How do you embrace the grey?
By relying on rosemary oil, curry leaves, and onion juice for a while and then giving in?
By blaming COVID-19, work stress, age, and lack of time for self-care?
By giving in to hair colors,
By seeking courage from those who decided to embrace the grey for once and all.
As time goes on and I 'mature,' I've found myself dependent on colors (for now!),
and I am in awe of my counterparts wearing the grey with such ease, glamour
I aspire to reach there one day, one day
Cosmetic changes are okay, not very challenging to maneuver around,
But no one tells you that as you 'mature,'
Your friends leave you too,
Or perhaps you leave them behind,
You grow apart, grow up, or grow out of friendships.
How do you deal with this change?
Do broken friendships and unsaid goodbyes ever stop hurting?
But here's what I've learned,

Sometimes, the best of friends fall apart.
They take a part of you with them.
They leave you empty, not because of the sudden physical distance and aloofness,
But because you fail to understand why they left.
You ask questions, and you seek answers.
You rewind the moments to figure out what went wrong.
The truth is sometimes, friends leave. Let them go. It is okay for friendships to fall apart.
I said goodbye to a few friends, and a few said theirs to me.
And while it has made me restless, I am walking to the space where I have no regrets.
We fared well, black strands and best friends.
Share this with someone who needs a hug to embrace the change.

I'm Purva Grover, author hashtag#icouldhavebeenaninstapost. This book invites us to scroll through short shorts where we express our 'unpretty' moments in an OTT Insta-friendly manner and find strength. Get your copy: