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The evenings begin with most of the ‘poets’ confessing to being ‘non-poets’, followed by another confession of how their words aren't really ‘poetry’! Soon enough, we establish that everyone who is here is not just a poet, but an awesome poet. We play a little game, we get to know each other better.
We say goodbye to nervousness and own the mic. We read out our works. We snap our fingers in appreciation. We applaud, loudly. We see poets getting comfortable to share more than one of their works. We share a few good laughs. We witness silence when the reading gets intense, we lighten the mood with a fun anecdote. We walk into the gathering as strangers. We were unsure of our skill, our works. By the time the evening comes to an end, we emerg as confident poets. We make new friends. We fall in love with WORDS, all over again. Until we meet next, keep writing, keep dreaming, and yes, keep inspiring!
Poetically yours, Purva